
The Lab: Anna Lublina - Rythm in Sediment in Berlin

Sa, 30. November 2024, 20:00 Uhr
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English Theatre Berlin
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English Theatre Berlin
The very first performance of new work-in-progress by Anna Lublina, followed by a post-performance discussion.

This research seeks to access ancestral knowledge through synchronization: a process of syncing one's body rhythms with the rhythms of other people, objects or environments. Emerging from archival research on different forms of shared Jewish-Muslim rhythm-Uzbeki Shashmaqam music, prayer, agricultural practices, etc.- we explore tap dance, extended vocal techniques and live mixing to embody specific rhythms and synchronize with the worlds they emerge from.

How do these rhythms from historical moments of Muslim-Jewish conviviality generate different physicalities, states, tensions or intelligences in our bodies? What can these convivial rhythms teach us in a time marked by separation and violence?

By and with Anna Lublina and Samuel Hatchwell (hoyah)
Dramaturgy by Gry Tingskog

THE LAB is the artist and audience development series at ETB | IPAC. Founded by Daniel Brunet in 2003, it offers Berlin-based artists an opportunity to share their work-in-progress with an audience and receive feedback in the form of a post-performance discussion.

THE LAB accepts submissions of new work year-round. The only formal requirements are that the work is comprehensible to an English-speaking audience, the submitting artist is based in Berlin and that it has not previously been presented in public. If accepted, we can provide a brief rehearsal period in the auditorium as well as professional technical support.

To submit your work, please send an email describing your work, your collaborators and your CV to brunet @ etberlin. de
Quelle: Veranstalter

Veröffentlicht am Do, 12. September 2024 um 23:39 Uhr

  • Fidicinstraße 40
  • 10965 Berlin

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