Dies & Das

Acapella Rebella in BERLIN

So, 30. März 2025, 16:00 Uhr
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DNA. presents: "Acapella Rebella"

We are creating not quite a choir but a gang of rebellious singers who take the songs You wouldn't consider to be choir material and turn them into joined joy. All creative people and music lovers are welcome.

From warmups to improv - we're going to evolve voice, practice technique, choose songs and perform together. You can learn lots about vocal basics, vocal release, Your own voice and tap into childlike curiosity creating something together. Come and be loud.

Irina K. is a multi passionate artist. She's been acting and directing in a musical theatre in Russia for 15 years, sings in a cover band Pink Noise, coaches singers and writes poetry, scripts and more. The message she conveys through all of her creative disciplines is «Be rebellious enough to be Yourself».«Today I am most passionate about combining spoken word, performance and visual arts and creating a community of weirdos who share love for self expression and endless desire to live the dream - create the ultimate universe of self-expression and turquoise dinosaurs!»

Join us for an Experience, learn, play, and sing loud.
Quelle: Veranstalter

Veröffentlicht am Di, 17. Dezember 2024 um 18:09 Uhr

  • Wrangelstraße 25
  • 10997 BERLIN

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