Ancst, Aptera in HAMBURG
- Wann
- Mi, 28. Mai 2025, 19:30 Uhr
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MS Stubnitz - Vorverkauf
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blackened metalcore | grindy crusty death metal meets dark doom stoner sludge
<bR>Ancst from Berlin: Active since 2011 with tours all over Europe and the UK and a back catalog of over 28 releases that range from their trademark sound to experiments in raw black metal or dark ambient. DIY to the core - no gimmicks, no fancy-ass industry bullshit - just rage & blast beats. Last release (so far), "through the woods"
<bR>Hailing from Brazil, Italy, Belgium, and the US, Aptera have risen from the seas to join forces in Berlin. Playing a mix of sludge, doom, blues, and classic metal glued together with some punk grit, Aptera is a guttural cry that will lure you to your destruction.
<bR>Gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung fu¨r Kultur und Medien ("BKM") und der Initiative Musik. Quelle: Veranstalter
<bR>Ancst from Berlin: Active since 2011 with tours all over Europe and the UK and a back catalog of over 28 releases that range from their trademark sound to experiments in raw black metal or dark ambient. DIY to the core - no gimmicks, no fancy-ass industry bullshit - just rage & blast beats. Last release (so far), "through the woods"
<bR>Hailing from Brazil, Italy, Belgium, and the US, Aptera have risen from the seas to join forces in Berlin. Playing a mix of sludge, doom, blues, and classic metal glued together with some punk grit, Aptera is a guttural cry that will lure you to your destruction.
<bR>Gefördert von der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung fu¨r Kultur und Medien ("BKM") und der Initiative Musik. Quelle: Veranstalter
Veröffentlicht am Fr, 21. Februar 2025 um 17:05 Uhr
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