
Band of Friends - Tour 2024 in Erfurt

Band of Friends

Mi, 23. Oktober 2024, 20:00 Uhr
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Veranstaltungsbüro P.O.P. Ludwig
Band of friends was formed by Gerry McAvoy in 2012. The original line-up
consisted of Gerry on Bass guitar & vocals, Ted McKenna on drums & Marcel
Scherpenzeel on guitar & vocals.
From 2012 this line-up played all over Europe, with increasing success.
They recorded 3 CD's »Too much is not enough« (2014) »Live n Kickin« (2016)
»Repeat after me« (2017)
In 2018 Gerry took Band of friends to the USA. With Ted McKenna on drums
and introducing Guitar wizard Davy Knowles to front the band. They released a
CD »Band of friends over America« in 2018
Through 2018 the band toured the USA twice, to great success.
Sadly Ted McKenna passed away in January 2019.
In March 2019 the band returned to the US with Gerry, Davy and Mike Hansen
on drums. Then November 2019 Gerry brought Brendan Oneill ( Rory Gallagher
1981-1991) on board for yet another US tour.
The band were due to tour again March 2020, but sadly the world went into
lockdown because of a global pandemic.
Now that things are getting back to normal, we look forward to touring the USA again
Quelle: Veranstalter

Veröffentlicht am So, 23. Juni 2024 um 12:37 Uhr

  • Juri Gagarin Ring 140
  • 99084 Erfurt

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