Break Dance in BERLIN
- Wann
- Di, 26. November 2024, 17:30 Uhr
- Wo oder WAS
DNA Art Club - Vorverkauf
- Ticket kaufen
- Tickets zu vielen Veranstaltungen können auch in den BZ-Geschäftsstellen erworben werden.
DAUER: 1 h WAS BRAUCHST DU? Schuhe zum Tanzen, bequeme Kleidung
NIVEAU: Alle Stufen
IM PREIS INBEGRIFFEN: Tanzkurs Wasser Kostenlose Gästelistenkarte für die DNA. Kunstausstellung "Date & Art" an diesem Samstag.
Caribace, The Break Dance Class Instructor: "I'm 26 years old, I've been breakin' for about 17 years, I've been teaching for more than 10 years. Member of the team Nuthing but Selena. Participated in a huge number of battles, festivals, filmed in clips, films, a lot of performances different events, ranging from corporate, ending with the opening of the World Cup in St. Petersburg. I also do video shooting. My life is dance and creativity, let's together create a pleasant atmosphere and connect in which we can develop in place. I love to share knowledge with people. I am waiting for everyone to attend classes, regardless of age."
Breaking Open-Dance Class. ?These Break Dance Classes are concipated for all levels. Each person will have an individual approach, as breaking is also a power dance, not everyone can develop in the same way. Thats why we will learn how to open up and to communicate with each other. ?Each class You will learn new moves and we'll practice those together. Im here to help You individually no doubt on that, but I'm also a big fan of helping each other out as well. So lets get to know each other, build a save space without competition and learn some dope breaking moves together.
DURATION: 1 h WHAT DO YOU NEED: Shoes to dance in, comfy clothes
LEVEL: All levels IN PRIZE ICLUDED: Dance Class Water Free Guest List Ticket to DNA. Art Show "Date & Art" at that Saturday Quelle: Veranstalter
Veröffentlicht am Do, 26. September 2024 um 22:58 Uhr
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