Distant Worlds - music from FINAL FANTASY in Berlin

Mi, 22. Mai 2024, 20:00 Uhr
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Distant Worlds: music from FINAL FANTASY

Guest of Honor: Yoko Shimomura

Distant Worlds returns to Berlin! Relive your favorite FINAL FANTASY moments with a full orchestra and chorus performing the beloved character themes, battle medleys, and memorable melodies from FINAL FANTASY. GRAMMY Award winner Arnie Roth leads over 100 musicians on stage, with FINAL FANTASY XV composer Yoko Shimomura in attendance.

With HD video from game developers SQUARE ENIX projected onto giant screens throughout the concerts, Distant Worlds performs a diverse and constantly expanding repertoire of classic FINAL FANTASY music from throughout the 35+ years of the game series. This unique and sensational multimedia concert experience delights audiences all around the globe!
Quelle: Veranstalter

Veröffentlicht am Do, 29. Februar 2024 um 16:41 Uhr

  • Möckernstraße 10
  • 10963 Berlin

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