
Elder - Lore 10th Anniversary 2025 in HAMBURG

Do, 8. Mai 2025, 20:00 Uhr
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Bahnhof Pauli (Klubhaus St. Pauli)
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Lore is turning 10 years old. This album marked a point of departure for Elder upon a path which the band is still walking now. For us, this is the record where the band came into its own as a unique voice in the heavy rock underground. As we approach our second decade as a band, we feel it's appropriate to look back on this landmark for us and acknowledge it properly, which is why we're doing a tour performing the entire album along with some other tracks from our earlier catalog; we'll give this era of the band a proper celebration before turning our attention once again toward the future and the next album, currently being written.
Quelle: Veranstalter

Veröffentlicht am Sa, 28. September 2024 um 04:28 Uhr

  • Spielbudenplatz 21/22
  • 20359 HAMBURG

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