Expats in Berlin - English Comedy Show in BERLIN
- Wann
- Do, 22. Mai 2025, 19:30 Uhr
- Wo oder WAS
Oranienberger - Vorverkauf
- Ticket kaufen
- Tickets zu vielen Veranstaltungen können auch in den BZ-Geschäftsstellen erworben werden.
Are you an Expat in Berlin? Still trying to make sense of Berlin? Don't worry, it doesn't and neither can we make sense of it! So, come down and join a bunch of fellow failed integration experiments who will share their hilarious stories of (not) adapting to life in Berlin.
This is a fun new English Comedy Show about the different experiences of people from abroad living in Berlin. This is a show with experienced comics and newcomers alike.
We are a friendly show in English and it's a great place to meet new people from all around the world! We do a pre-show mixer, where you can chat, drink and meet people.
We are so friendly, we even allow Germans in.
Bring your friends to enjoy a great evening of comedy in Berlin. We also do an after-show hangout with drinks and music!
We open doors at 8pm, show at 9pm Quelle: Veranstalter
Veröffentlicht am Di, 11. März 2025 um 17:28 Uhr
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