Gnod & White Hills in HAMBURG
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- So, 20. April 2025, 18:30 Uhr
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MS Stubnitz - Vorverkauf
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Drop Out 2025
psychedelic & space rock | tribal | alternative | drone | industrial
Manchester's Gnod and New York's WhiteHills stand as titans of Psychedelic & Space Rock. Together they bend the very notions of what rock can do, seemingly suspending our sense of time. Their alchemical chemistry and a fateful session at the Dropout Studio in Camberwell gave rise to the legendary, ongoing series of records under the moniker Drop Out.
15 years after the series began, Drop Out III (Thrill Jockey, Release, 21 March 2025) is an essential album for lovers of contemporary psychedelic rock, a testament to the power of this collaboration. Quelle: Veranstalter
psychedelic & space rock | tribal | alternative | drone | industrial
Manchester's Gnod and New York's WhiteHills stand as titans of Psychedelic & Space Rock. Together they bend the very notions of what rock can do, seemingly suspending our sense of time. Their alchemical chemistry and a fateful session at the Dropout Studio in Camberwell gave rise to the legendary, ongoing series of records under the moniker Drop Out.
15 years after the series began, Drop Out III (Thrill Jockey, Release, 21 March 2025) is an essential album for lovers of contemporary psychedelic rock, a testament to the power of this collaboration. Quelle: Veranstalter
Veröffentlicht am Di, 21. Januar 2025 um 17:45 Uhr
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