Iceboy Violet, Holly Hunter, Post-Organic Bauplan in HAMBURG

Do, 6. Juni 2024, 19:30 Uhr
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MS Stubnitz
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Upstream Concert Series for New Music and Performance

In HOLLY HUNTER's texts we find murky waters, hybrid creatures, and queer narratives. For Upstream, she presents a new reading related to our theme. In the performances 'Desbridar' by POST-ORGANIC BAUPLAN, the "more-than-human" takes centre stage as insectoid, robotic prosthetics expand the performers' bodies and posit new modes of being that go against the institutionalised, productive or «natural» body. Dense feelings are condensed and extrapolated in the lyricism of ICEBOY VIOLET: their unique and obscured approach to rap, poetry and sound art brings the event to a close in a warm embrace of collective catharsis.
Quelle: Veranstalter

Veröffentlicht am Mi, 08. Mai 2024 um 04:36 Uhr

  • Kirchenpauerkai 29
  • 20457 HAMBURG

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