
Independence Day Party

Madison College Big Band, Jazzhaus Jugendorchester, FT 1844 Freiburg Nuggets Cheerleader

Do, 4. Juli 2024, 16:00 Uhr bis 22:00 Uhr
Wo oder WAS
Live Music | Kids' Corner | Spare Ribs & Drinks | Fun & Games

Let's meet at the Ganter Brauerei-Biergarten for our yearly 4th of July Party - a true highlight for all of us! Let's fire up the grill and enjoy some fine and spicy barbecue dishes, have cool drinks and listen to lovely live music by The Black Forest Badgers and two youth big bands, the Jazzhaus Jugendorchester from Freiburg and the Madison College Big Band from our partner city Madison, Wisconsin! There will be lots of fun activities for kids and adults (get ready for our annual watermelon eating contest!), festive decorations, special guests such as the award winning, local cheerleading team Freiburg Nuggets, plentiful chances to practice some classic American sports - and, of course, oodles of that glorious midsummer glow! Join us in celebrating this joyous occasion - and we'll make sure it is going to be a blast!

Admission free
Event Language: English & German
Quelle: Veranstalter

Veröffentlicht am Fr, 24. Mai 2024 um 09:57 Uhr

  • Leo-Wohleb-Straße 4
  • 79098 Freiburg im Breisgau
  • Tel.: 0761 7070444
  • Webseite

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