
REAVEN - „For Tomorrow Germany Tour“ in Hamburg


Di, 8. Oktober 2024, 20:00 Uhr
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» If you wanna go on a Pop / Rock trip, sail away in an Electro boat to travel the world, you should meet Reaven. 4 strong identities, 4 guys who met along the way, leading to a Pop / Rock universe colored with a provocative electro touch.

Reaven offers a very personal Indie Rock sound with powerful and catchy melodies. With different atmospheres, from Acoustic to Rock, the band tries to explore many paths.
They´re known for their intense shows, the special and unique lead voice signature, and a pure work on the vocal harmonies.

Their 1st album «Unbreakable» (2018) was considered as a Rock revelation that took them on the roads of European tours (15 countries). Their last songs have slipped into the playlists of hundreds of radio stations across 45 countries and their last Rock single «Ordinary Heroes» stayed 12 weeks in a row in the TOP 40, TOP 100, TOP Indie Charts in the USA (New Music Weekly and Mediabase). They even gave an epic concert with a Symphony Orchestra, released the recorded Live Tracks of the Sold Out show into an EP, announced by the media as a true «Masterpiece».

Described as an «Indie Rock Sensation» by the european Press, their new album «For Tomorrow» has already been qualified of a «Five-Star Opus» and announces the resumption of concerts with their «For Tomorrow Tour», in Europe, but also in Japan, USA and worldwide...

Dive into their universe, join the Reaven's journey and go someplace you've never been before... «
Quelle: Veranstalter

Veröffentlicht am Mo, 17. Juni 2024 um 21:11 Uhr

  • Bernhard-Nocht-Strasse 69 a
  • 20359 Hamburg

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