
Sound & Blend - vokal.total.2025 - Workshop in Graz

Christian Fris-Ronsfeld

Do, 17. Juli 2025, 12:00 Uhr bis 13:30 Uhr
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In this workshop we will experience the beauty of choir sound and make our voices melt together in beautiful harmony. In short examples of choir arrangements we will discover ways of how to find sound colors that match with the style of the songs and we will use different tools of making the choir sound blend nicely together.
There will be focus on vocal technique and intonation to fill the room with a mesmerizing vocal sound.

Language: English/German

In diesem Workshop werden wir die Schönheit des Chorklangs erleben und unsere Stimmen in schöner Harmonie verschmelzen lassen. In kurzen Beispielen von Chorarrangements werden wir Wege entdecken, wie wir Klangfarben finden können, die zum Stil der Lieder passen, und wir werden verschiedene Werkzeuge benutzen, um den Chorklang schön zusammenschmelzen zu lassen. Wir werden uns auf Gesangstechnik und Intonation konzentrieren, um den Raum mit einem hypnotisierenden Vokalklang zu füllen.

Christian Fris-Ronsfeld is the artistic director of the Danish girls choir Mariagerfjord Pigekor at Mariagerfjord Kulturskole, which is one of the most remarkable schools for contemporary vocal music in Europe. Christian received the European Voices Award 2022 for his innovative pedagogical work with Mariagerfjord Pigekor.
He has been conducting the Danish award-winning choirs Syng Selected and Naura and is leading the female choir ignis. Christian is frequently invited as a conductor and jury member by festivals, competitions and choir events (such as Europa Cantat, Europa Cantat Junior, Deutscher Chorwettbewerb and Choralies) in Europe and USA. His choir arrangements are sung by groups all over Europe and published by Schott and Helbling edition.
He is a board member of Aarhus Vocal Festival (AAVF), one of the most recognized vocal festivals in the world.
Christian has a Master's degree in rhythmic choir leading, pop/jazz singing and ear training from the Royal Academy of Music in Aarhus/Aalborg and a Master's degree in music education from the University of Music in Freiburg.
Quelle: Veranstalter

Veröffentlicht am Sa, 22. März 2025 um 13:42 Uhr

  • Griesgasse 27
  • 8020 Graz (Österreich)

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