
Spielende Insel - Ein Kammermusikprojekt in BERLIN

Sa, 11. Januar 2025, 18:30 Uhr
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Galeria Plan B
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Veriko Tchumburidze, violin

Andrei Ionita, cello

Catalin Serban, piano

Beethoven: Piano Trio in C minor, Op. 1 No. 3

Shostakovich: Piano Trio No. 1 in C minor, Op. 8

Brahms: Piano Trio No. 2 in C major, Op. 87

Start the year 2025 with a fresh experience that brings together music and art in a setting rich with historical architecture. Our concert "Sounding Transitions" at Galeria Plan B merges compositions by Beethoven, Shostakovich, and Brahms with works by renowned Romanian artist Cornel Brudascu. An interplay of light and shadow flows through both the music and the artworks, embodying the dynamic dialogue between Classicism, Neoclassicism, and Modernity.

The evening opens with Beethoven's Piano Trio in C minor, Op. 1 No. 3--one of his first major works, which, with its dramatic intensity and visionary expression, paved new paths in chamber music. The journey continues with Shostakovich's Piano Trio No. 1, Op. 8, also set in the somber key of C minor and composed at the youthful age of 16. The passionate depth and emotional intensity of these two works reveal the unmistakable signatures of both composers, showcasing remarkable parallels despite the temporal distance between them. The evening concludes with Brahms' Piano Trio No. 2, Op. 87 in C major--a work of great maturity and complexity that, with its brighter tonality, provides a contrasting color while also containing diabolical moments that culminate in a disarming, euphoric finale.
Quelle: Veranstalter

Veröffentlicht am Fr, 29. November 2024 um 23:28 Uhr

  • Strausberger Platz 1
  • 10243 BERLIN

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