Vorträge und Lesungen
The Plumbing of Empire
- Wann
- Do, 8. Mai 2025, 18:15 Uhr
- Wo oder WAS
Horst-Weitzmann-Hörsaal (KG I, Hörsaal 1098)
Remnants of imperial structures linger far beyond the emancipation of colonized land. They can be found in politics, society and according to Prof. Dr. Corey Ross' research, even in bodies of water. As a vital natural resource, water and the control thereof has always held significant power throughout history. Within colonial hierarchies of 19th and 20th century Europe, this was no different. The exploitation and attempted taming of water by colonial powers was used as a tool in the creation and upholding of colonial order. Similarly, when controlled by local fisherfolk or farmers, water played a compelling part in the dismantlement of said order. Applying this historic angle to current environmental crises can provide critical perspectives, also on future decision-making.
Corey Ross is Professor of European Global Studies and the director of the Institute for European Global Studies at the Universität Basel. His research focuses on environmental history, global history, and the history of empire. His most recent book, Liquid Empire (2024), examines the history of Europe's colonial empire through the lens of water. Quelle: Veranstalter
Corey Ross is Professor of European Global Studies and the director of the Institute for European Global Studies at the Universität Basel. His research focuses on environmental history, global history, and the history of empire. His most recent book, Liquid Empire (2024), examines the history of Europe's colonial empire through the lens of water. Quelle: Veranstalter
Veröffentlicht am Do, 20. März 2025 um 09:47 Uhr
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