
Dee Mulrooney as Growler: Where Ye from? in Berlin

Fr, 8. November 2024, 20:00 Uhr
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English Theatre Berlin
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English Theatre Berlin
Meet Growler, the 82-year-old drum banging, shamanic vulva from the Liberties in Dublin.

Wise as witches with a tongue like a lash and a heart of gold, she will take you on an alchemical theatrical journey.

Using storytelling, song, spoken word and comedy, her mission is to give voice to the voiceless and to transmute the shite out of the female collective trauma.

The performance on November 9th will inaugurate Growler's Sofa Sessions and feature visiting musician Damien Dempsey and Berlin-based Wallis Bird in a one-night-only event called Songs From the Holywell!

This promises to be a very special night of storytelling, song and conversation between kindred spirits.

»The beauty of Growler is in its roughness, its erratic meandering, its refusal to be one thing or another. It has a sacred chaos of its own, in which Mulrooney thrives.«
The List
Quelle: Veranstalter

Veröffentlicht am Do, 12. September 2024 um 23:39 Uhr

  • Fidicinstraße 40
  • 10965 Berlin

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