Dies & Das

Rösti Summit - Breaking Jam

If you love cyphers* this is for you: We present to you the third edition of «Rösti Summit» Breaking Jam.

Sa, 8. März 2025, 14:00 Uhr
Wo oder WAS
We present to you the third edition of «Rösti Summit» Breaking Jam. If you love cyphers* this is for you! DJ Feel «The Future» and the live band «Loop Locked» will provide the most beautiful music and some sonic Öpfelschnitzli. As a special exhibition we will have battles between breaking practice spots from all over Switzerland, including one from Basel.

* A breaking cypher is a circle formed by breakers (bboys or bgirls) where they showcase their dance skills, creativity, and style. It's an informal setting where dancers take turns performing in the center of the circle while others gather around to watch, cheer, participate and have a good time.

14.00h - 15.30h Doors and Cypher - Slot 1
15.30h - 16.30h Exhibitions battles
16.30h - 18.00h Cypher - Slot 2
From 18.00h Winding down at Markthalle

Weitere Infos: https://altemarkthalle.ch/agenda/roesti-summit-breaking-jam/
Quelle: Veranstalter

Veröffentlicht am Fr, 24. Januar 2025 um 13:26 Uhr

  • Viaduktstr. 10
  • 4051 Basel (Schweiz)

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