
Tuesday Comedy Kiss

Open Mic

Di, 4. Februar 2025, 20:00 Uhr
Wo oder WAS
A great night of English Stand Up Comedy featuring new and established local comedians trying out their new jokes in front of a live audience, every second Tuesday at Heimat!

English Stand Up Comedy at Heimat every second Tuesday. Local comedians, great drinks, and lots of fun. Follow @comedykiss.ch for more shows.

This show sells out, so buy your tickets now! Arrive early to get a drink and save the best seats.

The show is in English.

Photos of the show may be taken for promotional purposes. 

Tell everyone about it and check out our future shows as www.comedykiss.ch and follow us on Instagram at @comedykiss.ch.

Want a spot or to try comedy?

Then complete our Registration Form at www.comedykiss.ch/perform - Acts confirmed on the weekend before the show.

Doors open at 19:00

Weitere Infos: https://www.comedykiss.ch
Quelle: Veranstalter

Veröffentlicht am Mo, 28. Oktober 2024 um 08:21 Uhr

  • Erlenstr. 59
  • 4058 Basel (Schweiz)

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